Treasurer's Notes

Annual dues are $25.00 for an individual membership, and $40.00 for a joint membership. The deadline is December 31st. However, there is a grace period in the month of January. If dues are paid/received on or later than February 1st, a $15 late fee will be accessed. Please send your dues payment to:

PCTC c/o John Kornylo
9809 Lost Ravine Court
Fairfax Station VA 22039
In the past, members have expressed an interest in making a donation to specific funds within PCTC. If you would like to add an additional donation to one or more of the following club funds, please indicate the amount and fund on the following form when you send in your dues payment. If you do not wish to renew, please let me know so that you will not receive a second notice.

To pay your dues, see the Annual Dues Form. To pay online, log into the PCTC Members Area.

Secretary's Notes

January 2024

Dear Members,

Please look for the following information in our January Thistletalk issue:

  • Nominating committee report for Officers and Board members for 2024–2025
  • PCTC Dues notice
  • Specialty Report
  • Annual Meeting March 23, 2024


Sas Argentine, Secretary

Board Briefs - July 11, 2024

The Board met via Zoom.
  • June Field Trials canceled due to lack of entries. Look into lowering the threshold for how many dogs entered since there are fewer Cairns and puppies.
  • Scottish Days in Plains, VA, August 31-September 1.  Veronica Hudak-Moe and Lois Cleland will welcome folks to meet our Cairn Terrier
  • September, Sanction B Match and Fun Day, Judge Leslie Spencer, held at Lydia Hutchinson’s home in Middletown, MD. Other fun event planned in the afternoon.
  • October 3-6 Dog Shows in Macungie/Devon, PA, CTCA National Specialty is held on Sunday.
  • Health testing offered on Saturday, October 5, including an Eye Clinic, sponsored by the CTCA.
  • Farm Dog Clinic at the farm of Jerry and Sharon Howse. Sharon will teach handlers/dogs how to do Farm Dog. (this regrettably has to be postponed)
  • Alexandria, VA Christmas Walk, December 7
  • Judge’s Selection Committee, Chairman John Kornylo, Karen Wilson and Janice Lloyd will ask interested members to suggest Cairn Terrier judges for the 2026 Specialty.
  • Discussion on taking proxy votes for the auction items at the PCTC Specialty Dinner.

Look for these fun events upcoming and mark your calendars!  Hope to see you there!


Board Briefs - January 10, 2023

The Board met via Zoom.

President Flory called the meeting to order 8:30 PM. Other members in attendance:

Ann-Louise Gates, Linda Reiff, John Kornylo, Patti Gaston, Leslie Spencer, Nan Vonfeldt. Guest: Lynda Hammel

The minutes of the previous meeting as sent were accepted unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: John provided an accounting which is included on a separate page. He and Ken have just completed the transfer and will provide an audit at the annual election and meeting March 4th. The board appointed Audit Committee for 2023 is John Kornlyo, chair and Ken Moe and Patti Gaston.

Secretary’s Report: Linda brought into discussion the club members that have recently died. It was decided by unanimous vote to each year memorialize members who have died with a memorial page in our specialty catalogue. For the future we can offer a trophy in their name. It is too late to do this year.

Barbra Allen has declined judging sweepstakes at our April 2023 specialty due to health issues. Deb Rogers has graciously accepted our offer to judge. Reiterating our policy for sweeps judges: we offer two nights’ lodgings and hospitality breakfast and lunch and the Friday night celebratory dinner.

VP Report: Ann Gates gave a summation of events to come all of which will be listed in detail in the coming issue of Thistle Talk.

Our spring match is February 4, 2023. Will is judging and Ann has a talk presented by two local veterinarians following the match. Dessert refreshments will be provided by the Board members and those attending can bring a potluck dish to share. It is to be held at St. Albans Church in Alexandria VA. Nan Vonfeldt is the match chair.

Saturday, March 4, 2023 is our annual meeting and election. It is to be held at the Main Cup in Middletown, MD. Lydia has organized the event. All information including the menu choices will be sent out shortly. The announcement and selection form will be in the January 2023 Thistle Talk.

Patti made a motion to support the Warrenton KC in early November 2023 as we have done in the past. Of the possible terrier judges offered the board chose Dr. Valeria Rickard. Barb Kornylo and Ann will be liaison. Motion seconded by Leslie and passed unanimously.

Show Chair Report: DiAnn Flory, 2023 Specialty Show chair. All is well and progressing as expected.

Nominating Committee Report: Submitted by Nan Vonfeldt, chairperson; committee Lynda Hammel and Nicole Mitchell. Alternates DiAnn Flory and Ken Moe.

President: Will Flory

Vice President: Patti Gaston

Secretary: Sas Argentine

Treasurer: John Kornylo

Directors: Jackie Sowards, Leslie Spencer, Nan Vonfeldt

Old Business: Fast CAT was discussed as a possibility to hold as an event in the very near future. Ching Yu was approached by Will. We need quite a number of people, members, to run the event as well as the equipment and site. It was decided we needed to get more detailed information on what resources and workers we will need and then plan.